Gages and Fixtures
Component Engineering offers custom gages, checking fixtures, and support options that ensure your finished products meet customer performance specifications and capture, analyze, and report variable data results.
Gages and Fixtures

Attribute Gages
Attribute gages measure part characteristics and either accept or reject the part based on accuracy. These gages are typically used for applications using simple designs, and are an easy-to-use, reliable and cost-effective solution to confirm part accuracy.
Variable Gages
Variable gages work in a similar way to attribute gages with the added ability to collect variable data for specific part requirements. We specialize in methods for hole location, hard to reach surface points and simple SPC points specified on the part print.
CMM Holding Fixtures
CMM holding fixtures provides a simple way to hold your part so that a CMM, coordinate measuring machine, can measure and confirm parts are within specifications and tolerances. Provides a repeatable means of loading multiple parts, one at a time, to meet layout requirements.
Weld Fixtures
Weld fixtures provide a way to hold multiple parts in relationship to each other while they are being welded together. Our fixtures are available as manual or pneumatic. When weld fixtures leverage pneumatic components, optional sensors interact with the weld equipment to ensure parts are properly positioned for welding or confirming when parts are ready to unload.
Testing Fixtures
Vibration Fixtures – Lightweight fixtures that hold a part securely in its intended mounting position so resonant frequencies testing can be performed.
Environmental Fixtures – Lightweight fixtures that hold a part securely in its intended mounting position and are made from rust-proof materials.
Photometric Fixtures – Custom designed fixtures that hold a part securely in its intended mounting position and are coated with a non-reflective material.
